Orthopedic Movement Specialist
Comprehensive Movement Training
for the Orthopedic Practitioner
New 2 Year Certification Course Begins September 2020
Applications now being accepted, space is limited
Apply here
This training program, leading to Certification as an Orthopedic Movement Specialist (OMS), is open to PT, PTA, OT, COTA, ATC, MD, & DO practitioners who want to expand their knowledge concerning musculo-skeletal pain and dysfunction, exercise prescription, postural instruction, ergonomics and body mechanics training. Anyone with the appropriate medical degree and interest in movement for both personal and professional purposes is welcome to apply.
More than Orthopedics?
While this course is advertised as being for orthopedics, its scope is actually much broader. The unifying theme is movement—participating, observing, and analyzing movement thru the ‘lens’ of movement optimization and principles of dynamic integrated movement. This is in contrast to and is an evolvement from our current static integration principles/concepts/applications. Movement optimization is the common denominator of the rehab profession and as such this course has definite applicability to not only ortho, but also pediatrics, geriatrics and neuro.
What are the Benefits?
The reason to participate in this program is primarily for practice enhancement purposes. Your primary goals might be to:
- Understand movement and the musculo-skeletal system better
- Add valuable and cutting-edge techniques to your tool-box
- Markedly improve
- Patient outcomes
- Physician confidence
- Word-of-mouth referrals
- Job satisfaction
- Carve out a unique niche in your market to make your private practice stand out
- Make yourself more valuable to prospective employers
- Gain important insight into your own movement inefficiencies and imbalances—and enjoy learning new movements and developing new capabilities personally.
Ultimately, this isn’t about putting more letters behind your name. It’s about honing your craft, feeling better in your own body, and enhancing your revenue production!
The basic framework of a typical training day consists of a series of related, verbally guided or demonstrated movement sequences roughly based on, but modified from Yoga, T’ai Chi, Feldenkrais and Qi Gong inspired movements. These are examples of what we will be calling Dynamic Integrated Movement Systems. The experiential movement is then followed by group observation of the movement, analysis or breakdown of the whys and wherefores of each exercise, discussion of clinical applications and contra-indications, exploration of relevant sub-variations of the same theme, and partner practice in assessment and the utilization of various teaching techniques.
In the First Segment, you will learn introductory concepts, core principles, specific language and movement training strategies that you will be using throughout the program. We start off with the basics—exploring relationships between the hips, pelvis and lumbar spine.
- How is the pelvis moved & stabilized?
- How does the pelvis become imbalanced or biased in both front/back and left/right dimensions?
- What is the relationship between hip immobility and lumbar hypermobility?
- Most importantly, what can you do about it?
This hip to pelvis relationship is a key one. It is a crucial component of spinal health all the way up the chain to the head, and a crucial component of lower extremity health all the way down the chain to the feet. We’ll be blending themes as you proceed, adding in exploration of thoraco-lumbar relationships to your initial hip-to-lumbar focus.
In the Second Segment, we’ll shift our attention farther up the spine—where we’ll be working with cervico-thoracic and thoraco-scapular relationships.
- How are the head and eyes supported in their movement—both up/down and left/right?
- How are the head and eyes supported in their posture?
- How do the head and neck become imbalanced or biased in both front/back and left/right dimensions?
- What is the relationship between thoracic immobility/imbalance and cervical hypermobility?
This head-to-thorax-to-pelvis relationship is a key one. It is a crucial component of cervical, shoulder girdle and glenohumeral health.
In Segment Three, we’ll continue with head-to-tail connections—mostly working with spinal system movement and postural balance in all basic planes of movement. We’ll also begin exploration of one of the most fundamental, but also one of the most ignored, building blocks of human movement—the pelvic force couple. This theme is critical to understanding pelvic, thoracic and cervical imbalances.
In the Fourth Segment, we’ll start coloring outside the cardinal planes as we work through the more complex, multi-planar aspects of optimal pelvic and spinal control. Diagonals, arcs, circles, oscillations and undulations are introduced here. Raise your spinal game to new heights by both recognizing and having the tools to affect positive change with complex movements. We will also be addressing hip issues in this segment, osteoarthritis, surgeries and fractures plus all the other self-inflicted hip ailments generally related to hip instability and functional hip weakness—FAI, labral issues, trochanteric pain, piriformis or gluteus medius syndromes, hip flexor issues and so on.
In Segments Four & Five, we’ll make our way down to the legs. The lower extremity themes include optimal movement training rationale and techniques for working with both repetitive stress injuries and traumatic injuries. Toe arthritis, plantar fasciitis, bunions, shin splints, patellar issues, and various proximal thigh strains will be covered—as these repetitive stress injuries in particular need to be addressed by motor control training.
Lower extremity fractures, ligament and meniscal tears, and surgeries for the ankle and knee will also be discussed with a focus on strategies used to both restore normal mobility and strength around the injured part and to reintegrate that part with the larger whole. Applications of these patterns of lower extremity integrative movements to gym workouts or sport specific conditioning drills and performance enhancement are demonstrated and practiced.
Also starting in the fifth segment, you will use what you have learned throughout the first year to create a movement practice for yourself—a 10-15 minute series of key exercises designed by you and for your particular needs. This simulates putting together a well-thought out home program.
In the Sixth Segment, we’ll begin upper extremity themes. Mirroring the lower extremity requirements for both traumatic injury and repetitive stress injury strategies, we’ll explore upper extremity organization with an eye toward optimization. Thoraco-scapular, scapulo-humeral and humero-forearm relationships are scrutinized, analyzed and practiced. Because of the many degrees of freedom of the shoulder, this theme will continue to spill over into our next segment.
In the Seventh Segment, we’ll continue where we left off in segment six adding:
- Bilateral & unilateral movements
- Open & closed chain sequences
- Reaching forward & outward, across & overhead, behind & underneath
- Internal and external rotation variations & manipulation of objects makes this a complex and multi-faceted, but fun, learning theme.
The Eighth Segment is the icing on the cake. We’ll spend time reviewing, finish up movement practices, and have fun with some more complex content. A motley variety of my favorite developmentally based movements; Yoga sequences, Qi Gong forms and T’ai Chi drills are provided as:
- Movement puzzles to be solved
- Observation opportunities to be honed
- Multiple areas of attentional focus to be harmonized, and as
- Content with deeper potential to be dug into for years to come.
The Training Basics
Active Movement Sessions
Initially, we’ll be drawing upon a broad base of Feldenkraisian techniques. We have studied, analyzed & medically articulated this approach to be appropriate for rehab professionals. The techniques include:
- Verbally guided movement-based exercises that emphasize proprioceptive feedback
- Recognize before and after comparisons of test positions or key movements
- Practice alternating or reciprocating patterns of movement
- Understand positional variations and application of constraints
These tricks of the trade are invaluable in getting your patient to move in the right place, to stabilize accurately and to apply your carefully considered exercise into their daily lives. These are key skills you will be practicing in our active movement sessions and your partner practices.
Also sprinkled liberally throughout the curriculum, are exercises borrowed from Eastern movement systems. Modified movements from Yoga, T’ai Chi and Qi Gong will be analyzed, explained, rehab-articulated and practiced as you move through the various themes. This is to give you more content to work with and to help you with pattern recognition. These types of movements, modified and bundled into groupings, make great end-game movement practices.
Integrative Manual Therapy
Starting in the first three segments, but continuing throughout the entire program, we will be teaching an integrative manual therapy approach. This movement-based manual treatment teaches vital proprioceptive self-awareness skills through detailed and integrated/patterned passive movement. This approach can be used as a stand-alone treatment modality or can be blended with joint or soft tissue mobilization to improve proprioceptive awareness and functional carry-over.
As we progress, you will continue the development of your integrative manual training by learning how to skillfully and deliberately move two or more related skeletal parts in global or differentiated patterns. This style of ‘manual work’ teaches effort perception and reduction skills, both locally and systemically.
Ultimately, this manual therapy technique is full of depth and nuance that is powerfully informative and deeply pleasurable for the recipient and highly rewarding and mentally stimulating for the practitioner.
Autonomic Balancing
Autonomic balancing themes—where you will learn relaxation exercises, also referred to as movement meditation. This is another interwoven theme that starts in the first segment and follows the same thread throughout the whole program. Breathing, mouth/TMJ, eye and facial muscles, upper neck and pelvic floor exercises are explored as a means of further facilitating proprioceptive acuity and minimization of unnecessary effort.
Quality Control
To ensure adequate understanding of the principles involved with this work and to ensure competency for certification, students are expected to:
- Participate in thetests, demonstrations and assignments.
- Complete and be proficient with the following:
- quizzes, due before class starting in the second segment
- demonstration and explanation of your personalized movementpractice (10-15 minutes)
- demonstration of adequate teaching and manual skills
Showing your stuff in class will assure quality control and that your certification is more than a piece of paper that you buy.
What Does Certification Mean?
Therapeutic Movement Seminars (TMS) is a continuing education provider organization. We only offer training programs in our specific area of expertise, functional and practical applications of movement. At the completion of this program you will be certified as an Orthopedic Movement Specialist, trained and tested through TMS.
We are not a vocational school licensed by the state or sanctioned by any university or professional organization. This means that you will need to work within the practice guidelines of your own profession. For instance, a PTA or COTA cannot set up an independent practice as an Orthopedic Movement Specialist.
Essentially, this is no different than enhancing your professional credentials with advanced trainings through Ola Grimsby, Shirley Sahrmann, Brian Mulligan or other luminaries—you gain specialized skills and recognition, but stay within the parameters of your own chosen practice. Each segment will count toward CEU requirements and you will get a course certificate for each segment, as well as a certificate of completion at the end.
CEU Hours & State Approval
This course is held in Washington State and is worth 22 continuing education hours, each segment. This course meets requirements for the PT/OT boards in Washington. Please call if you have any questions regarding other state approval.
PT – The Washington PT Licensing Board does not pre-approve nor certify CE courses.
OT – The state of Washington does not have a pre-approval process for Occupational Therapy.
Length, Cost and Duration
We will be meeting:
- 4 times per year
- 3-day weekends; Friday-Sunday over a 2-year period
- for a total of 24 training days of approximately 6-8 hours each.
The live instruction will be expanded by including some home study—certain exercise assignments not covered in class and occasional reading assignments in addition to the personalized movement practice already mentioned.
The entire program will cost $4,000.00. Upon acceptance into the program, there is a $500 deposit (applied toward tuition for the programs final segment) to hold your spot and express your commitment to complete the entire 2-year program. Each segment will cost $500 (except the last because of your deposit), and is due 2 weeks before the start of that segment.
Course manuals and videos are included with the cost of tuition.
Missed/Make Up Segments
On occasion, life gets in the way of our well-planned schedule. If you need to miss a day or a full segment please let us know asap. It’s easier to make up content from the first year by taking one of our public 2-day courses. We’ll suggest the best course with you ahead of time. The content isn’t exact or as in-depth but it’s the best option. If you need to miss time during the second year, we ask that you to make up the same segment during our next program. You are still expected to pay your tuition for the missed segment. We’ll ship the course manual and videos your way. It helps with reviewing the missed time.
Application Process
As part of the application process, we would like you to write a short letter outlining your profession, work experience, movement experience (not required), reasons for considering this program, what you hope to get out of it and any physical limitations or accommodative needs we should be aware of.
If you have any questions, would like to start a conversation or feel ready to apply please email:
[email protected] or [email protected] or call us directly at 206.930.9204.
If you’d like to get in touch with someone currently in the program to get their opinion, we are happy to arrange it.
Cancellation Policy

First Year Dates
- Segment 1
- September 25-27, 2020
- Segment 2
- January 22-24, 2021
- Segment 3
- March 19-21, 2021
- Segment 4
- June 25-27, 2021
Current program 2018-2020
Kenmore/Kirkland, WA—Bastyr University
Apply for this course here
Bastry University
14500 Juanita Drive NE
Kenmore, WA 98028
"This two-year course has without question changed how I practice. We learn in school to focus on functional movement, however it wasn’t until this course, some eight years removed from school, that I truly understand what that means. Thank you!"
"In 30 years of practice this has been the most educational, enlightening and enjoyable journey. Application of movement education has changed my perspective on evaluation and treatment. Very dear to my heart for my own journey, helping decades of discomfort change with exercise."
"It is so great when there are people willing to dig deep, break the mold, think holistically and see movement from another perspective than the traditional one. It is even better when they do it in a fun learning environment and they are truly geniuses with their knowledge interacting with a lot of professionals in the same field. So inspiring, thank you so much Julie & Gordon!!!"
"After being a strong college athlete, I went to PT school, prioritized other things, added some injuries to my low back and relegated strength and movement to past tense and/or a nebulous future occasion. This 2-year movement training has gotten me back in touch with my body, given me exciting new goals and aspirations that are more healthy and balanced and taken me in new directions with patient care. Thank you!!!"
"My whole life has changed as a result of this program. The personal benefits of understanding how I move are as great as the professional benefits of being better able to help my patients."
"Standard exercise never seemed to resolve my imbalances or allowed me to problem solve on my own but through each of the lessons I learned more about my body and how it could move to fully recover from all my injuries and poor movement patterns."
"I love you, your work is divine, don’t stop!"
"This course has broadened my understanding of the infinite ways a body can move and how to instruct patients to move in the most optimal way. It has changed my life and my patients, family and friends have all greatly benefitted from this mind-body movement awareness training. I am truly grateful for Gordon and Julie’s invaluable work and will take the knowledge and skills I have learned to my activities of daily living for the rest of my life! My back feels awesome! I am transformed! Thank you!!!"
Paid content
Tai Chi as Rehabilitative Exercise
Tai Chi as Rehabilitative Exercise
Applications to Spine, Ortho & Seniors
8 Hours/CEUs
Course Description
Tai Chi is more than a martial art or a moving meditation; it is a sophisticated movement system that has great potential for application to a rehab setting. In this fun and interactive course we will begin by breaking down and simplifying tai chi movements into grounding & balancing stances, stepping motions and upper extremity organization. We'll then put it all together in ways that integrate and optimize relationships between the upper and lower body. You'll be actively participating in movement, as well as observing and analyzing tai chi modifications, then discuss clinical relevance and application to a wide variety of rehab-related conditions. Topics include:
- Lumbar stabilization, knee alignment & joint replacements
- Balance improvement, gait facilitation & fall prevention
- Pelvic balancing, thoracic mobilization & cervical stabilization
- Glenohumeral impingement & scapular dyskinesia
- Ortho, neuro & geriatric applications
We will also discuss and demonstrate the importance of Pattern Specificity, making exercise more informational by making it resemble the motor behavior we are trying to influence, and investigate the differences between Static and Dynamic Integrated Movement Principles. Come spend the day with us, we’ll get up out of our chairs and move; you’ll never look at movement and exercise the same!
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Define Global & Differentiated movement relationships and give one example of each relationship for: knee-hip, hip-lumbar, thorax-neck, scapular-humeral, humeral-forearm.
- List the two main differences between Static & Dynamic Integration Principles.
- Define the difference between “grounding & balancing” stances giving two examples of each.
- Demonstrate basic proficiency in three rotational/weight shifting movements & list benefits for: lumbar stabilization, hip/knee replacements, balance and fall prevention.
- Explain the relevance of the phrase “proximal mobility & distal stability” in the lower extremity system and list benefits for foot, ankle or knee conditions.
- Define the terms “high horizon & weight under-side” and list benefits for cervical, gleno-humeral and shoulder girdle health.
- Cite three research articles that advocate tai chi benefits for balance, fall prevention & frailty reduction in seniors.
Course Outline
Lab sessions include experiential movement, partner observations, facilitation techniques, modifications & discussion of clinical relevance.
7:45-8:00-Registration & Snacks
8:00-8:30-Introduction to Integrated Movement Principles
- Exercise Paradigms: Isolate or Integrate?
- Types of Integrated Movement/Exercise: Static & Dynamic
- Principles of Optimal Movement/Posture
8:30-10:00-Lab I: Tai Chi Stances
- Grounding & Balancing Stances: Skeletal Weight Bearing
- Centering the Feet & Aligning the Knees: Balance & Fall Prevention
- Stabilizing the Pelvis & Lengthening the Low Back
10:00-10:15-Morning Break
10:15-12:00-Lab II: Tai Chi Arm Positions & Movements
- Ladies Hands: Minimizing Unnecessary Effort
- Dynamic Scapular Stabilization & Integrating the Arm
- Gleno-Humeral, Elbow, Forearm & Hand Benefits
12:00-1:00-Lunch on Your Own
1:00-3:00-Lab III: Tai Chi Turns & Steps
- Hip Rotation Mobility & Control: THR, FAI & Labrum
- Lumbar Stabilization, Balance & Fall Prevention
- Controlling Knee Valgus, Varus & Rotation: Knee Injuries, Patella & TKR
3:00-3:15-Afternoon Break
3:15-5:10—Lab IV: Putting it Together—Integrating Upper & Lower Body
- Arms & Head Moving as Extension of Dynamic vs Relative to Static Torso
- Appropriate Distribution of Movement & Proportional Use of Synergists
- Training & Balancing Pelvic Force Couples: Associating with Intentional Arms
5:10-5:30— Bonus Material & Wrap Up
- Toys & Tools: Staff, Sword & Straps
- Review & Reinforcement of Course Objectives
- Research, Questions & Answers

Course Schedule:
State Approvals
We submit all our courses for continuing education approval in the state in which it is being held, if required. For more information please visit our State Approvals page
Registration Fee
Single Registrant | $229 |
2 to 4* | $219 |
5 or more* | $209 |
*Price per person when registering at the same time. Please call if paying separately.
Download the BrochureTestimonials
“Gordon and Julie are the best instructors! I enjoyed everything about this course and highly recommend it.”
“Loved it! Knowledgeable instructors, friendly and passionate about movement.”
“Great presentation! Loved the specifics of the info and great manual.”
“I really learned really good, new material/movements that I can easily integrate with my patients.”
“This content is going to be so useful for balance and gait training with elderly patients. Great discussion and practice of dynamic movement.”
“Great course, appreciate all the material and active movement during labs. Thank you!”
“Excellent course, excellent information!”
“Great class, loved the mobility and balance training options for seniors and home health setting.”
“Thank you, I will use both personally and in practice.”
“Gordon is a great speaker; lots of learning, labs and demo.”
Therapeutic Yoga
Therapeutic Yoga
Applications, Modifications & Contraindications
8 Hours/CEUs
Course Description
Yoga is a vast system of Integrated Exercise with potential for both positive and negative outcomes; some people benefit greatly while others are susceptible to injury. Whether helping someone return to a public yoga class or using yoga as a rehab tool in your facility, you can assist your patient in recognizing what specific types of poses to target, modify or avoid all together depending on their specific complaint. In this course you will learn to identify movement or postural patterns, both in your patients and in many common yoga poses that will guide you in your recommendations. Differentiated poses are generally both safer and more beneficial than Global poses; you will learn to recognize the distinction with any pose or exercise and have solid rationale for your subsequent suggestions. Emerging rehab principles of Regional Interdependence and Specific Motor Control Exercise (SMCE) are presented and reconciled with common yoga themes. In class you will observe, analyze and try out several poses, but you don’t need to be a pretzel to participate; there are always modifications! Topics covered:
- Neck & shoulder joint protection
- Scapular stabilization
- Thoracic mobilization/strengthening
- Low back pain
- Pelvic balancing
- Knee alignment
- Foot pronation control
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Define Global & Differentiated movement/postural relationships giving five examples of each in daily life and in common yoga poses.
- List three common hip/pelvic/lumbar biases and recommend appropriate yoga pose modifications that encourages lumbar stabilization and hip mobility/balance.
- Explain why yoga poses featuring global spinal relationships are Contra-Indicated for many common types of low back and neck pain.
- Demonstrate five yoga poses that encourage thoracic mobility and strength while simultaneously protecting/stabilizing both neck and low back.
- List two examples of each of the poses/positions that cue: gleno-humeral/scapular integration and optimization; tripod foot balance; knee over foot alignment; gleno-humeral/forearm rotational differentiation.
- Explain the rationale for adding Reciprocating Movement and Dynamic Integration elements to common yoga poses.
- Demonstrate “easy” modifications for all yoga poses presented in course in order to encourage success for all age groups and physical abilities.
Course Outline
Lab sessions include experiential movement, partner observation, manual/verbal cuing, modifications and discussion of clinical relevance.
7:45-8:00-Registration & Snacks
8:00-8:30-Introduction to Integrated Movement Principles
- Exercise Paradigms: Isolate or Integrate?
- Types of Integrated Movement/Exercise: Static & Dynamic
- Principles of Optimal Movement/Posture
8:30-10:00-Lab I: Pelvic Balancing—Recognizing Hip Biases/Addressing Lumbar Issues
- Differentiated Poses: Hip Mobility & Lumbar Stability
- Recognizing the Habitual & Teaching the Non-Habitual
- Movement Reciprocity to Facilitate L/R Pelvic Balance
10:00-10:15-Morning Break
10:15-12:00-Lab II: Thoracic Work—Knocking the Rust Off the Ribs
- Applying Constraints: Funneling Movement & Effort Where We Want It
- Integrating Arm & Head Movement with the Mid Back & Chest
- Rib Cage as Slinky: Encouraging Multi-Directional Thoracic Movement
12:00-1:00-Lunch on Your Own
1:00-3:00-Lab III: Lower Extremity Alignment—Creating a Solid Foundation
- Encouraging the Tripod Foot: Forefoot/Rear-Foot Differentiations
- Controlling Knee Valgus & Varus: Organizing Knee Over Foot
- Facilitating Balance: Peroneus Longus/Posterior Tibialis Competence
3:00-3:15-Afternoon Break
3:15-5:00—Lab IV: Shoulder Girdle Stabilization—Anchoring the Arm to the Back
- Dynamic vs. Static Scapular Stabilization
- Grand Coalition of the Arm: Shoulder ER & Scapular Posterior Tilt
- Closed & Open Chain Facilitations
5:00-5:30—Wrap Up
- Review & Reinforcement of Course Objectives
- Research, Questions & Answer
Course Schedule:
State Approvals
We submit all our courses for continuing education approval in the state in which it is being held, if required. For more information please visit our State Approvals page
Registration Fee
Single Registrant | $229 |
2 to 4* | $219 |
5 or more* | $209 |
*Price per person when registering at the same time. Please call if paying separately.
Download the BrochureTestimonials
“Gordon is knowledgeable, easy-going, entertaining and likable! Please keep teaching, our profession will benefit greatly from your expertise.”
“Great course; I really enjoyed it!”
“Excellent course. Thank you!”
“Excellent application to quality of life through improved movement!”
“Outstanding presentation! Gordon and Julie make a great team.”
“Changed my thoughts on how to improve my balance and ability to move optimally as I age. Everyone should take this class!”
“My cranky body feels so much better than when I got here. Thank you so much for a great class!”
“Wow, so much better than expected! I learned so much both personally and professionally.”
“Very informative, I learned A LOT!”
Defining, Optimizing & Teaching Integrated Movement
Defining, Optimizing & Teaching Integrated Movement
Applications to Sports/Spine, Ortho, Geriatrics & Manual Therapy
8 Hours/CEUs
Course Description
What is Integrated Movement and why is it poised to supplant Therapeutic Exercise and core stabilization as our movement training modality of choice? What does Optimal Movement entail besides strength, flexibility, cardio-vascular fitness and other measurable criteria? How can we make our exercise more informative and functionally relevant; combining into one activity strength/flexibility work, proprioceptive self-awareness training, ergonomics/body mechanics instructions, postural practice and seamless application to specific ADL’s? What style of movement training strategies give us the best chance of optimizing our patients’ movement; whether high level athletes, spinal or extremity pain sufferers, joint replacement graduates or the fall-prone elderly? Utilizing plain-language lecture, relevant research studies, interactive movement labs and ample clinical examples, this thought-provoking one day course answers these questions and more. It advocates an exercise paradigm that boosts patient compliance and success while freshening and upgrading your rehab tool kit. Based on Dynamic Integration principles and taught by a movement geek and PT, we will compare this revolutionary approach to both traditional Therapeutic Exercise and modern Static Integration movement strategies. Come and experience a refreshing new perspective, you will never see movement and exercise the same way again!
Course Objectives
By the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- List the two main differences between a Dynamic Integration & Static Integration models.
- Identify Global vs. Differentiated Patterns of Movement and recognize appropriate clinical Applications & Contraindications for each.
- Explain the "carry-over" advantages of Recognizing & Practicing Patterns vs. Strengthening Muscles.
- List the primary Principles of Optimal Movement & give at least two examples of each.
- Explain usefulness of common teaching strategies; Reciprocating Movements, Application of Constraints, Change of Venue, relating to Functional Context and the Goldilocks Principle.
Course Outline
Lab sessions include experiential movement, partner observations, facilitation techniques, modifications & discussion of clinical relevance.
7:45-8:00—Registration & Snacks
8:00-9:00—Integration vs. Isolation
- Bodies are Already Integrated: Isolation/Localization is a Myth
- Regional Interdependence Research, Motor Habit Formation & Bernstein’s Problem
- Habitual Movement = Repetitive Movement = Repetitive Stress Injury
- Movement Alterations Secondary to Traumatic Injury or Ortho Surgery
9:00-9:45—Static Integration vs. Dynamic Integration
- Movement Lab #1—Rocking Chair
- Origin & Insertion Thinking: Mistakes & Unintentional Consequences
- Cardinal Plane Paradigm & Implications for Exercise
- Thoracic Spine & Rib Cage: Terra Incognita
9:45-10:00—Morning Break
10:00-11:00—Global vs. Differentiated Patterns of Movement, Posture & Exercise
- Make Exercise Look like the Motor Behavior we are Trying to Influence
- Pattern Specificity: Stretch & Strengthen the Patterns, not Just the Parts
- Why Exercise? Physiological or Motor Control Rationale
- The Magic Muscle Mentality
11:00-12:00—Principles of Optimal Integrated Movement
- Even Distribution of Movement & Proportional Use of Synergists
- Skeletal Weight Bearing & Minimization of Unnecessary Effort
- Movement Lab #2—Bowling Arms
12:00-1:00—Lunch on your own
1:00-2:45—Proprioceptive Self-Awareness Acuity Training
- The Unconscious Nature of Habitual Movement & Postural Habits
- The Importance of Subjectivity: “Feel” and “Like” are not Four Letter Words
- Strategies for Facilitating Proprioceptive Self-Awareness
- The Map is not the Territory; the Menu is not the Meal
- Movement Lab #3—Sit to Stand
2:45-3:00—Afternoon Break
3:00-5:00—Tricks of the Trade: What Makes Exercise Informational?
- Reciprocating Movements & Change of Venue
- Application of Constraints & Application to Functional Context
- Pattern Recognition & The Goldilocks Principle
- Movement Lab #4—Squash the Grapes
5:00-5:30—Wrap Up
- Review & Reinforcement of Course Objectives
- Research, Questions & Answers

Course Schedule:
State Approvals
We submit all our courses for continuing education approval in the state in which it is being held, if required. For more information please visit our State Approvals page
Registration Fee
Single Registrant | $229 |
2 to 4* | $219 |
5 or more* | $209 |
*Price per person when registering at the same time. Please call if paying separately.
Download the BrochureTestimonials
“Loved Gordon’s clear and highly skilled teaching style. Excellent handouts, extended practice sessions and engaged group. So glad I came!”
“I enjoyed trying out the movements and feel more confident in evaluating patient movement patterns.”
“Really enjoyed this course—time flew by!”
“Thank you! Well thought out presentation. I’ve a greater awareness of my own posture and movement!”
“Really appreciate the hands-on movement labs vs all day lecture. Great course!”
“Great course, great information-I want more!”
“Introduced me to a “concept” I have wanted to explore further. Now I see what I’ve been missing.”
“This was a great course, very fun and informative. Nice manual and treats, too!
“Loved it—It challenges my brain to see/notice/experience movement differently. How refreshing!”